Siobhan Abraham

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Siobhan Abraham

Siobhan Abraham

Senior Associate

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Siobhan Abraham

Siobhan Abraham

Senior Associate

Siobhan Abraham

Senior Associate


T: +44 (0) 20 3400 3442

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Siobhan is a Senior Associate in the International Arbitration and Construction Disputes practice.

Her practice focuses on commercial and investment treaty arbitration and she has acted on multiple complex cross-border disputes under a range of institutional rules, with a particular focus on the LCIA, ICC and ICSID. She has advised clients in various sectors, including property and construction, pharmaceuticals, space technology, M&A, private equity and financial services and regularly advises clients from a range of jurisdictions. She also regularly sits as tribunal secretary. She also has experience of commercial litigation in the High Court in London, and recently qualified as a solicitor advocate in the English courts.

In 2019 she completed a three-month secondment to the LCIA Secretariat’s casework team as counsel, during which she managed the administration of numerous arbitrations, gaining extensive familiarity with the LCIA Rules and procedural workings of the LCIA Court.


  • England and Wales

Related Practice Areas

  • International Arbitration

  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution

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